Contact Us

Phone: 603-608-8673

Address: 673 So. Main St. Wolfeboro, N.H. 03894


Steve Sanborn


Steve grew up in Alton N.H. and has had a love for the outdoors from the earliest of years. Although Steve has had numerous vocations during his many years, his main loves have been the Auto industry in many forms. His expertise is in drivability diagnostics as proven by his continued involvement in the industry for 45 years, the last 23 yrs. teaching it at the High school level. Education being another. Other vocations include Combat Engineer US Army / ARNG. Several years in private security, Water and septic industry, Residential HVAC, and Head Chef/Kitchen manger to name a few. Most of these were either to help a friend out or just to learn something new.  During these many years Steve never stop enjoying the outdoors.  He always found time to hunt with family and friends, hike with his brother or his favorite, chasing wild Brook Trout with ultralight gear.  Taking over the New Hampshire Outdoor Learning Center was the perfect match. Steve’s #1 love the outdoors along with education  and of course boats, UTVs, snowmobiles, and other forms of transportation and we have a trifecta. Along with the support of his wonderful wife Toni life is good. Steve’s wish is for everyone to have the opportunity to safely enjoy and conserve our outdoor legacy through education.

  • Licensed New Hampshire Guide
  • Coast Guard 6Pack Captain
  • Certified Master Outdoorsman
  • Retired Professional Educator, High School Career & Technical
  • NH Certified Wildlife Control Operator Level 2
  • Certified First Aid/CPR/AED
  • Certified Wilderness First Aid
  • USCCA Certified Firearms Instructor


Dr. Rick Van de Poll


Dr. Rick Van de Poll is a botanist and mycologist with several decades of experience in wildcrafting and preparing a variety of wild edible and medicinal plants and fungi. He has taught courses in both subjects since 1977 to students of all ages and helped found two mushroom clubs in N.H. He and his wife ran a small herbal apothecary out of their home for many years in Sullivan, and they continue to make natural harvests part of their daily lives.



John McKernan

NHOLC Fly Fishing and Casting Instructor

John McKernan’s love for the outdoors and teaching is undeniable.  John has taught and coached multiple adult and youth programs in the Dover public school system and comes to the NH Outdoor Learning Center with over 50 years of experience.  He originated the “Outdoor Pursuits Program” which included rock climbing, archery, and Fly Fishing instruction.  John’s Fly Fishing experience and qualifications are extensive, spanning 14 states including many remote waters in Maine and Alaska.

Certifications and Partnerships

  • International Federation of Fly Fishers Casting Instructor (FFF)
  • Licensed NH Guide
  • Certified NH Fish and Game Instructor
  • Member of trout Unlimited
  • Frequent presenter for L.L. Bean, Kittery Trading Post, and Marlboro Fly Fishing Show


Wes Reed

Upland Bird and Waterfowl Dog Trainer and Instructor

Wes developed a love of the outdoors from his father, who was a conservation officer back in the 1950’s   His love of dogs stems from his mother who raised collies when he was growing up.  After a friend introduced him to duck hunting, he saw the need for a well trained retriever.  Since that day his passion for training bird dogs has grown into a family business called Rise and Shine Retrievers. They breed Labrador and Chesapeake Bay Retrievers and have placed puppies all over the US. Many of N.H. Fish and Game K-9s have been donated by Rise And Shine Retrievers. They also provide training to owners who share his passion for working their dogs.  Those owners can be seen at hunt tests or in the fields & marshes all over New England.

Wes is an avid hunter of both upland birds and waterfowl and has pursued game from Quebec to Maine to Connecticut. His dogs get to hunt year round by participating in the AKC, HRC & NAHRA hunt test programs, as well as the Labrador Retriever Club working certificate and the American Chesapeake Club working dog programs.  He has passed hunt tests from Maine to Florida under experienced judges from 14 states and Canada.

He loves to share his knowledge and can be seen conducting retrieving demos at NH Fish & Game, Ducks Unlimited events or sportsman’s clubs throughout New England.

  • Past HRC judge, all levels
  • Past North American Hunting Retriever Association (NAHRA) judge, all levels
  • Board member, Wildlife Heritage Foundation of NH


NH Outdoor Learning Center